Dietetic Internship Match
The Dietetic Internship Match is a computer-based method which provides an orderly and fair way to match the preferences of applicants for Dietetic Internships (DIs) with the preferences of DI program directors. The Academy contracts with a company called D&D Digital to operate the DI Match and help applicants obtain an Internship (supervised practice position).
Through the DICAS, program directors can access applications from applicants who applied to their programs. The program director and other staff from each Dietetic Internship program screen applications and submit rankings for acceptable applicants, as well as indicating their maximum class size.
The ACEND® Policy and Procedures Handbook provides detailed information on the Dietetic Internship Match for program directors and their team.
If you have questions about the centralized application, please contact DICAS customer support at 617-612-2855 or
If you need assistance with computer matching, please contact D&D Digital customer support at 515-292-0490 or